Revolutionary medicine: a response to corporatizing healthcare in India
healthcare, revolution, medicine, Doctor, Che Guevara.Abstract
This article explores Che Guevara’s notion of “revolutionary medicine” and how it is imperative to challenge the corporatization of healthcare in a developing nation such as India where millions live under subhuman conditions owing to lack of basic necessities that constitute any definition of a human life. With the corporatization of healthcare the deprivation gets further magnified creating the grounds for a social revolution. The notion of “revolutionary medicine” helps us analyze the role of corporatization of healthcare in furthering the haves-have nots divide, the need for nationalization of healthcare, the possibilities of a social revolution and the role of a revolutionary doctor in changing the order. Political institutions are formed upon the consideration of what will frequently tend to the good of the whole, although now and then exceptions may occur. Thus it is better in general that a nation should have a supreme legislative power, although it may at times be abused.
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