The real readers and their reading practices against the discourse on reading and the reader from the perspective of the Colombian State in the public library




Reading, Reading practice, Public library


This article aims to give an account of the real reading practices of readers of the four public libraries belonging to the node Manuel Zapata Olivella of the District Network of Public Libraries of Bogota (BibloRed) far from the quantitative measurements proposed by state entities and in line with qualitative studies on readers. The former gives an account of the discourse on reading and the reader offered by the Colombian State; while the latter, obtained through biographies and reading trajectories, seek to question the ways in which the State has understood the notions of reading, reader and reading practice and on the basis of which it has made public policies aimed at strengthening reading levels in Colombians.


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Author Biography

Laura Rubiano Velasco, Caro and Cuervo Institute

Master in Editorial Studies and Editorial Coordinator (Editorial Department)


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How to Cite

Velasco, L. R. (2023). The real readers and their reading practices against the discourse on reading and the reader from the perspective of the Colombian State in the public library. Gutenberg - Revista De Produção Editorial, 3(1).