Literary adaptations of classics: the importance of the relationship between text and image for the formation of readers




Young and child literature, editions, readers' formation


This paper is about literacy’s adaptations of classics and its importance of readers’ formation. In the adaptations chooses have been made according the target; in this case the young and child literature; resulting in specific approaches from image and text. Thus this paper has the objective to add important reflections to the comprehension of the importance from adaptations to the readers’ formation and know how the manner which editorial industry utilize them to press its editions through the time about many generations of readers. For this intends know how the relations between text and image in different editions of classical young and child adaptations from the canonic work of Occidental literature comparatively analised to know how the many characteristics from the young and child editions also the perspectives of format, illustrations and covers, decisive elements in the lecture because facilities it. By the theorical appointments from Ana Maria Machado, Eliana Yunes, Mário Feijó, Paulo Freire, Rui de Oliveira and Marcelo Ribeiro is structured a study about text and image adequacy, language and resources, types of adaptations and its contribution important by the readers’ formation.



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Author Biographies

Gregory Oliveira Neres, Federal Fluminense University

Specialist in Children's Literature (UFF) and Bachelor in Social Communication - Editorial Production (UFRJ). He was editorial coordinator at Grupo Editorial Nacional (GEN), where he coordinated the production of national and foreign books in the area of ​​Exact Sciences, Humanities, Health and Applied Social Sciences. He was an editorial analyst at Editorial Saúde, also from the GEN Group, and an editorial producer at Quartet Editora, where, in addition to coordinating the editorial production of Editora's books, he worked with graphic, marketing and digital production. He was an intern at Ediouro Publicações, Grupo Lance! and Editora da UERJ, in the areas of text, art, internet, journalism and digital media. He was a scientific initiation scholarship holder of the project "The graphic language of printed journalism: layout as an instrument of meaning of information in the Rio de Janeiro press", coordinated by Professor Dr. Paulo César Castro, at UFRJ. He took care of updating and promoting the blog and social network of the Editorial Production course at UFRJ. He was a columnist for Editorial Production and a reviewer for the virtual magazine Brifando, which dealt with the area of ​​Social Communication. He also acts as a freelance editorial producer, making layouts, graphic projects, revisions, copyediting, English and Portuguese collations and layout beats for publishers, research laboratories and design offices.   Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"  

Maíra Gonçalves Lacerda, Federal Fluminense University

PhD in Design from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, with a scholarship from CAPES (2018), and Master in Design from the same institution, with a scholarship from CNPq (2013). Conducted postdoctoral research at PUC-Rio, with a CNPq scholarship (2019), which included an internship at the Department of Languages ​​and Cultures at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Winner of the CTCH Thesis Award at PUC-Rio (2019), her work was also selected for the 32nd Museu da Casa Brasileira Design Award (2018). Graduated in Industrial Design - Visual Communication from PUC-Rio (2008). Professor of the Graduate Program in Social Communication at the Fluminense Federal University. She acts as a trainer in different reader training projects carried out by the Cor-responsibility for Education Institute, the National Children's and Youth Book Foundation, the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Department of Education and the ECOFUTURO Institute. Researcher at the Language, Interaction and Construction of Meanings Laboratory (LINC Design), at PUC-Rio. He participates in the Study Group Design in the Reading of Subjects and Supports in Interaction (DeSSIn) at PUC-Rio, where he supervises the thematic axis Design for Multimodal Education: Design in Partnership/Participative and Media Literacy. Managing partner of Estúdio Versalete (2013-2015), she worked as art director and graphic designer and had her project selected for the 11th Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial, in the Book Graphic Design category (To have or not to have). He received the 4th PUC-Rio/Petrobras Exhibition Award, in the Theology and Human Sciences category with the Special Animation project (2007), in addition to academic merit certificates from PUC-Rio (2006). He has experience in the field of Industrial Design, with an emphasis on Visual Programming, working mainly on the following subjects: graphic design, information design, editorial design, book design, illustration, webdesign and animation.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Neres, G., & Gonçalves Lacerda, M. (2023). Literary adaptations of classics: the importance of the relationship between text and image for the formation of readers. Gutenberg - Revista De Produção Editorial, 3(1).