Investigating reading in Brazil: mapping research with readers in Communication (2015-2020) and studies on reading clubs (1990-2020)




State-of-the-art review, Reading practices, Reading clubs


This article aims to present a state-of-the-art review carried out in November 2020, when studies were carried out with readers in the field of Communication in the last five years and, later, research on reading clubs in the last thirty years. By means of pre-established consultation criteria and examination in the main databases of Brazilian scientific production, 20 works were found in the first stage and 25 in the second stage. The mapping is analyzed from tables relating to keywords and tables with title, authorship, year of publication, type of research, institution and methods adopted. The results indicate, above all, the thematic and methodological plurality of the investigations gathered, as clues that contribute to contemporary discussions about the academic production on reading practices in the country.


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Author Biography

Jean Silveira Rossi, Federal University of Santa Maria

Graduated in Social Communication - Editorial Production and master's degree in Communication from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). She is a member of the research groups Network Communication, Identities and Citizenship (CNPq/UFSM) and Women in Publishing (CNPq/CEFET-MG). Interested in studies on editorial production, reading practices, digital culture, social uses of media and ethnography.   Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"  


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How to Cite

Silveira Rossi, J. (2023). Investigating reading in Brazil: mapping research with readers in Communication (2015-2020) and studies on reading clubs (1990-2020). Gutenberg - Revista De Produção Editorial, 3(1).