Overview of the Geotechnical Cartography of the State of Mato Grosso
Planning, Territorial Management, Law 12608/2012, Geotechnical MappingAbstract
The development of geotechnical maps requires a multidisciplinary and comprehensive approach, involving everything from planning to updating. This research analyzes the methodological procedures used in the development of these cartographic products in the state of Mato Grosso with the aim of understanding both their benefits and limitations and formulating recommendations regarding the methods used for the development of future geotechnical maps in the state of Mato Grosso. Considering the four products developed by the Brazilian Geological Survey (SBG) and the five maps developed in agreements with the Federal University of Mato Grosso, it is observed that 95% of the municipalities in the state do not have any geotechnical maps to support the land use and occupation process. The method of delimiting the geotechnical units used in the maps presents itself as an appropriate approach for defining preliminary geotechnical units due to its easy application but lacks quantification of geotechnical properties. It is recommended to standardize the representation of symbols, scales, and legends used in cartographic representation, adopting standards preferably used by the SBG, and to thoroughly document the data collection methods, analyses performed, and conclusions drawn during the geotechnical map development process.
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