The potential for conservation use as an indicator of territorial planning in municipalities with the presence of conservation units




Turvo State Park, Hierarchical Process Analysis, Buffer zone


This work aimed to develop a territorial ordering of the municipalities of Derrubadas, Barra do Guarita, and Esperança do Sul, RS, through the Conservationist Use Potential methodology and analyze the use and land cover as management and conservation instruments of the Turvo State Park from its buffer zone. For this, data on pedology, lithology, slopes, and Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) were ranked through a Hierarchical Process Analysis (HPA) and then weighted by the Conservation Use Potential (CUP) calculation methodology. Data from the MapBiomas project were used to identify changes in land use and coverage between 1985 and 2022. A map of CUPs in the study area was obtained, with the highest incidence of high CUP (52.62% of the area), followed by medium (30.09%), low (6.50%), very high (5.85%), and very low (4.95) CUPs. Similarities were detected in changes in land use and cover between 1985 and 2022 in both the buffer zone and conventional use areas, which highlights the need to verify compliance with the buffer zone's functions. With the mappings obtained, it was possible to design a territorial organization that meets the management plan of the Turvo State Park.


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Author Biographies

Sidnei Luís Bohn Gass, Universidade Federal do Pampa

Bachelor's and Degree in Geography, Master's and Doctorate in Geography, Post-doctorate in Space and Society, professor at UNIPAMPA and POSGEA-UFRGS.

Dieison Morozoli da Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Cartographer and Surveyor Engineer, Master in Geography and PhD student in Geography, at POSGEA-UFRGS.

Sidney Ferreira de Arruda, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Agricultural Engineer, Master in Geography and PhD in Geography, at POSGEA-UFRGS.

Roger Luan Mallmann, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Graduated in Geography, Master's student in Geography at POSGEA-UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Gass, S. L. B., Silva, D. M. da, Arruda, S. F. de, & Mallmann, R. L. (2024). The potential for conservation use as an indicator of territorial planning in municipalities with the presence of conservation units. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 28, e85901.