3D Modelling for the Purposes of Rescue, Dissemination and Preservation of Historical Heritage: case Forte do Raio, Itaguaí-RJ





3D Cartography, Brazilian Fortifications, Historical Cartography, Cultural and Historical Heritage


Forte do Raio was a military fortification built in the municipality of Itaguaí - RJ, built in the early 19th century. This fortification had the function of protecting the road between the village of Itaguaí and the village of Mangaratiba, the “Caminho das Calçadas,” and the coast of Rio de Janeiro state. The ruins of the fortification were only discovered in 2018 in precarious conditions. The objective of this research was to create a three-dimensional cartographic model, aiming to reconstruct Forte do Raio through historical documentation and the application of cartographic techniques as a tool for the dissemination and preservation of Historical Heritage. The methodology involved a survey carried out using a tape measure, an on-site photographic record at the archaeological site, the extraction of measurements and features from the historical map with the aid of corresponding features obtained from recent spatial data, profile and topographic plan measurements obtained using CAD software, 3D parametric modeling and texturing of the model in digital media. Subsequently, with the knowledge of the structure's dimensions, a three-dimensional model similar to the original structure of Forte do Raio was generated in order to provide the user with the availability of an immersive and dynamic approach. Through the results achieved, it was demonstrated that it is possible to transform an original topographic plant, approximately 200 years old, into a three-dimensional cartographic model for use in digital environments, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality environments. In this way, this research showed that the use of current technologies combined with Historical Cartography provides new possibilities for the dissemination and preservation of Historical Heritage.


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Author Biographies

Bernardo da Cunha Carvalho de Mello, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Surveying and Cartographic Engineer graduated from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. Former member of the Academic Directory, organizer of the IX SEMEAC - Academic Week of Surveying and Cartographic Engineering as treasurer. Researcher in the field of historical cartography with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Partner engineer with the Itaguaí Municipal Department of Agriculture and Fisheries in the Itaguaí Banana Geographical Identity project.

Juliana Moulin Fosse, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

She has a degree in Surveying Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (2001), a master's degree in Geodetic Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná (2004) and a PhD in Geodetic Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná (2008). She has experience in Geosciences, with an emphasis on Cartography. She has been a lecturer on the Surveying and Cartographic Engineering course at the Engineering Department of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro since 2006.

Alan José Salomão Graça, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Assistant Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Department of Cartographic Engineering. Coordinator of the Cartographic Engineering Laboratory (LECAR). PhD student in the Geodesy and Surveying concentration area at the Geodetic Sciences Postgraduate Program of the Federal University of Paraná (PPGCG-UFPR). Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2008). Degree from the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2008). Specialist in Environmental Analysis and Territorial Management from the Postgraduate Program of the National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE/IBGE (2011).Master's Degree in Geography from the Postgraduate Program in Geography of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro PPGG-UFRJ, and scholarship holder of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq (2015).

Luís Augusto Koenig Veiga, Universidade Federal do Paraná

He holds a degree in Cartographic Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná (1993), a master's degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1996) and a doctorate in Transportation Engineering from the University of São Paulo (2000). He is a full professor at the Federal University of Paraná. He works in the field of Geodesy, with an emphasis on automation of geodetic and topographic surveys, monitoring of civil structures, optimization of geodetic and topographic surveys and the use of MEMS sensors in geodetic applications and 3D surveys for the preservation of historical heritage. He is a professor on the Cartographic and Surveying Engineering course and a professor and advisor on the Postgraduate Program in Geodetic Sciences. He is currently Coordinator of the Geodesy Applied to Engineering Laboratory (GEENG) and Coordinator of the Museum of Geodetic Sciences at UFPR.


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How to Cite

Mello, B. da C. C. de, Fosse, J. M., Graça, A. J. S., & Veiga, L. A. K. (2024). 3D Modelling for the Purposes of Rescue, Dissemination and Preservation of Historical Heritage: case Forte do Raio, Itaguaí-RJ. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 28, e85645. https://doi.org/10.5902/2236499485645



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