Struggle trajectories: history, bureaucracy, and land conquest in rural settlements in Campo Maior, Piauí, Brazil




Struggle for land, Agrarian reform, New regionalization


Brazil is a country with enormous land concentration, despite the agrarian reform model adopted by the government in recent decades, based on the creation of rural settlements. Many of these settlements come from the struggles of squatters, supported by the social function of rural property after the 1988 Federal Constitution. In this context, the objective was to analyze the trajectories of struggles in the creation of the rural settlements Fazenda Boa Vista and Brejinho, located in Campo Maior, Piauí, Brazil, reporting and discussing conflicts with landowners, bureaucratic issues, land conquest, and regionalization of occupied space. An interpretative approach was used through documentary analysis, oral history, thematic interviews, and the application of semi-structured forms in settlements remaining from these struggles. The two expropriations occurred due to the collective resistance and persistence of the squatters, with significant disagreements with the landowners and immense state bureaucracy. In the acquired area, there is a new regionalization, emerging as a symbol of the identity dimension and new production dynamics for family farming. We also see a group feeling of achievement and pride among those settled in a democratically occupied space.


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Author Biographies

Diogo Augusto Frota de Carvalho, Federal University of Piauí

Biologist licensed by the IFPI. Specialist in Management and Environmental Education by UESPI. Master and doctoral student in Development and Environment at UFPI. Exclusive dedication professor at the IFPI. Main areas of interest: Management of Water Resources, Multifunctionality of Family Agriculture, Rural Settlements, Philosophy and Polymathy.

Jaíra Maria Alcobaça Gomes, Federal University of Piauí

He holds a degree in Economic Sciences from the Federal University of Piauí, a Master's degree in Rural Economics from the Federal University of Campina Grande and a PhD in Applied Economics from ESALQ/USP. Head Professor of the Dep. of Economic Sciences at UFPI, professor at the PPG in Public Policy and PPG in Development and Environment (PRODEMA Network), coordinator of the SocioEconomy Laboratory (LASE)/PRODEMA/UFPI) and leader of the DESA Group/Directory of Research Groups in Brazil /CNPq. She has experience in managing scientific initiation programs (PIBIC, PIBIC-Af and PIBIC-Em), technological initiation programs (PIBITI), undergraduate and graduate courses (masters). She developed extension activities in projects with international cooperation (Università degli Studi di Verona / Italy). He works in research in the area of knowledge in Agricultural Economics and Natural Resources, with the following themes: economics of ecosystems, productive chains (products of socio-biodiversity, especially carnauba powder and wax), local productive arrangements, public policies for sustainable development (evaluation and indicators), income distribution (inequality) and poverty and innovative enterprises (women's productive insertion). She also has experience in consulting for the private sector, NGOs and productive associations, preparing reports on environmental impacts and evaluating public policies.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, D. A. F. de, & Gomes, J. M. A. (2024). Struggle trajectories: history, bureaucracy, and land conquest in rural settlements in Campo Maior, Piauí, Brazil. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 28, e84725.



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