Spatial-temporal analysis of the bivalve mollusk fishing waste disposal on the Ilha de Deus island, Recife-PE
GIS, Urban Estuary, Artisanal Fishing, Waste Mapping, Environmental DegradationAbstract
Artisanal fishing of bivalve mollusks in estuarine areas often results in the improper deposition of shells, generating significant environmental impacts. This situation requires a detailed diagnosis of the deposition and mitigation measures. A notable example is the fishing community of Ilha de Deus in Recife-PE, located in an important urban estuarine complex. In this study, a spatio-temporal analysis of the deposition of residues from bivalve fishing around Ilha de Deus was carried out between 2009 and 2023. A field visit allowed the identification and georeferencing of the current shell deposition sites on
the island. Satellite images from 2009, 2013, 2017, 2019, and 2023 were processed in the QGIS software to identify and create shapefiles of the deposition sites and vegetation cover. The area of these shapefiles was then quantified and analyzed over the years. The results indicate that the mangrove vegetation is being suppressed on the island’s margins due to shell deposition. Between 2017 and 2019, there was a 24.7% reduction in vegetation cover and a 39.1% increase in the deposition area. However, between
2019 and 2023, a slight increase in vegetation cover (9.9%) and a slight reduction in the deposition area (3.4%) were observed. This study highlights the need for measures to provide an environmentally appropriate destination for the waste produced on the island in order to minimize the negative impacts on the ecosystem of the estuarine complex and on the lives of the local community members.
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