May the water mine again in the mines of Minas Gerais: the cerrado ask for help!


  • Marcos Nicolau Santos da Silva Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros



This work analyze the social and environmental impacts in the savannah Vale do Jequitinhonha and the North of Minas Gerais, caused by capitalist enterprises and projects implemented from the second half of the twentieth century. It also shows how there the process of modernization with capital inflows in these mineiros territories, especially in some rural communities of the municipalities of Minas Novas, Campo Azul and Japonvar. For this, the research methodology is basically the same as the dissertation of master, but, for this article, it used only a few bibliographic references and a qualitative approach. Data were collected through the use of semi-structured interviews and with the recording and transcription of oral sources to obtain a greater wealth of information.


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Author Biography

Marcos Nicolau Santos da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros

Mestre em Geografia pela UFMG. Professor do curso de Geografia UAB/Unimontes.



How to Cite

Silva, M. N. S. da. (2012). May the water mine again in the mines of Minas Gerais: the cerrado ask for help!. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 16(3), 93–106.



Meio Ambiente, Paisagem e Qualidade Ambiental