The socio-environmental situation of the community of collecors Três Paus located in the Municipality of Carpina, Pernambuco
Collectors, Dumping ground, Environment, National Solid Waste PolicyAbstract
Despite being instituted in 2018, the National Solid Waste Policy has not yet been implemented in the Brazilian territory, where there is still a significant number of active dumps. The biggest one is located in the municipality of Carpina-PE. The analysis of the recyclable material collectors situated in this dump was carried out, above all, through field research with photographic records, conducting semi-structured studies, surveying literature and the current regulatory framework, under parameters of the dialectical approach method. As a main result, it was verified the precariousness of working conditions with high hours of exposure to bad weather and the risks of contaminating residues. Which leads us to advocate the immediate implementation of actions by the Citizen State to eliminate the dump and, at the same time, encouraging, from a pedagogical perspective, the creation of cooperatives in order to follow what Brazilian legislation determines with the purpose of guaranteeing an physically and socially healthy environment.
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