Ecological transition in French agriculture: the role of thinking, dense and diversified networks
Conservation agriculture, Sustainable agriculture, Organic farmingAbstract
This article aims to analyze the voluntaristic initiatives implemented by French farmers’ collectives aiming at the environmental, economic, and social sustainability of their agricultural production systems in the context of facing the socioeconomic and environmental implications of the modernization process implemented in the technical base of agriculture. This study was conducted through the collection and analysis of data and information from secondary sources, participation in events organized by three farmer networks, and application of forms with qualitative and quantitative questions with the members of these networks. From a geographical analysis perspective, it appears that the collective dynamics engendered by the networks studied contributed to the process of reappropriation of space by farmers and their organizations, the strengthening of the social, economic, and political dynamism of the territories, and the institution of spaces of contiguity, solidarity, reciprocity, horizontality, autonomy, and hope regarding the countryside.
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