Landscape of planning management region 03 - Porto Alegre: Perceptions, appropriations, uses and conflicts in the floodplain of the Gravataí river
Urban occupation, Landscape, Flood plain, Socio-environmental conflictsAbstract
This present article presents possible approaches to address issues related to Planning Management Region 03 – Porto Alegre, using the geographical concept of landscape as an analysis category. As a starting point we have the premises of the public document titled Urband and Environmental Development Master Plan of the city of Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil. Subsequently, we will highlight perceptions of the landscapes, different forms of land appropriations, urban land uses, and the resulting conflicts in this region through photografic records. Based on these analyses, we will address issues regarding the occupation of the Gravataí River floodplain area. Furtheremore, we will conduct an analysis of the impacts of noise pollution resulting from urbanization on the landscapes surrounding the Quilombo da Família Machado. The methodological procedure assists us in the analysis of these visual and auditory landscapes, captured by technological devices such as: photographs, satellite images, audio recordings, and video. All of these procedures are asociated with the reading of the Master Plan for Urban and Environmental Development, in its current version, for a better understanding of aspects related to Region 3.We will also use the tools of ArcGis and Google Earth to elaborate maps and images of this region of the municipality. While conducting the analysis of the processes that have contributed to the current configurations of Region 3 of Porto Alegre, we gained the experience of developing a brief reflection on the potential socioenvironmental impacts of urbanization processes in this part of the city, as well as on the urban conflicts related to the processes of eviction and relocation of peripheral populations. We observed anthropogenic interventions in a vulnerable ecosystem due to the geomorphological formations of floodplains and hydromorphic soils (natural configuration). In this region, inadequate uses are highlighted, due to the natural conformation. This research allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of this region, which borders the urban perimeter and still preserves an invaluable biodiversity.
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