The Danube Swabians and the territory occupation geopolitics – from Europe to Brazil
Suábia, Danúbio, Europa, Ocupação do território.Abstract
Danube Swabian is a collective term used to describe the German-speaking population that occupied and occupies several countries in southeastern Europe, in the Danube river valley. Most of this population is descended from immigrants recruited as settlers to repopulate certain areas of Europe after the expulsion of the Ottoman Empire, in the 18th century. The Swabians departure from Europe is closely linked to the consequences of the First World War (1914-1918) and, especially, the Second World War (1939-1945), but also to other factors, still in Europe, which will be presented as a way of expressing the role of the territory's "being liquid" from a phenomenon, the human mobility. It is through this process as displacement that this article aims to present the stories of the Swabians through the geopolitical reading of the territory or their deterritorialization and reterritorialization along the Danube River. The text is conducted by the historical-geographical method and also presents experiences from the life and the Swabian colonization in Guarapuava, Paraná, Brazil.
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