Characterization of closed depressions in the vão do Paranã, west of Serra Geral de Goiás
dolines, karst, geomorphology, paranãAbstract
This paper presents the characteristics of the dolines, uvalas and other closed depressions present in Vão do Paranã, located to the west of Serra Geral de Goiás. The methodology includes bibliographic review, interpretation of Sentinel 2 satellite images, identification of closed depressions, morphological characterization and fieldwork. The results show that the dolines and uvalas are predominantly concentrated in the Paranã river depression, while the caves are located mainly in the cliffs of Serra Geral de Goiás. There is a random pattern of rounded, elliptic and irregular dolines and uvalas. The dolinas and uvalas with smaller areas and perimeters are located mainly in the southern and also to the north of the area, between Iaciara and Nova Roma. The largest area and volume are in the features located in the central portion of the Paranã depression. The studied geoforms are developed directly in: i) laterites, where limestones of the Paraopeba Subgroup with underlying ithology; ii) limestones of the Paraopeba Subgroup and the Sete Lagoas Formation. The obtained results indicate that all these features originated by dissolution processes.
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