The comfort and the thermal discomfort in points with different construction patterns in Presidente prudente / SP
Thermal Comfort, Residence, Efective temperatureAbstract
Studies on thermal comfort can contribute to planning, since in tropical environments not only extreme events of temperature and humidity of the air can cause discomfort, but also the usual episodes. The main objective of this research was to study thermal comfort in open and closed environments, according to the pattern of buildings, resulting from the social conditions of the population, in the city of Presidente Prudente. The internal and external thermal comfort was evaluated from hourly data of temperature and relative humidity recorded through mini-weather stations in the month of July of 2008. For the calculation of the thermal comfort was used the formula of Thom & Bosen (1959). We verified with this research that the building materials and amount of green areas influence in the thermal comfort of the residences in Presidente Prudente.
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