Flood Risk Map from SRTM Images in Urban Area of Pau dos Ferros – RN/Brazil
Drainages of the Apodi River basin cross the urban area of Pau dos Ferros City – RN and are responsible for floods during the rainy season, in unduly occupied areas. The inefficient system of urban drainage, allied to the perennial process of this river by the integration project from San Francisco River basin with the brazilian northern Northeast basins may enlarge the flood areas. This work aims to identify flood risk areas in the Pau dos Ferros city. Sensor HRC image of CBERS 2B satellite of 2008 and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission model were used for mapping. Then, the flood risk areas were delimited by isolines extraction tool for slicing generation every 20 meters obtained from image Shuttle Radar Topography Mission in SPRING 5.1 GIS. The results allow visualizing that some neighborhoods along the Apodi River are susceptible to more flooding events from low to high grade, while in neighborhoods of the Cajazeiras rivulet the floods will be of low grade because of the higher altimetry and less water volume.Downloads
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