
  • Tulio Barbosa Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • José Roberto Nunes de Azevedo UNESP



This paper presents and discuss the New North of the Paraná (or North Central) from their spatial transformations that occurred through the interests of international capital, especially English, which invested in the formation of urban centers, marketing of rural properties , railway construction plus the possibility of expanding the areas of economic influences and even politics. The theme offers the opportunity to reflect on the formation of the New North region of Paraná through a critical reading that enters the geographic region that a more comprehensive plan of action of the European economic elites, so the transformations of space are understood from the ratio of capital in agriculture with its many mechanisms to strengthen themselves and take hold of used capital investment and also built a network of ideological arguments to justify such investments as critical for the general population, since the state has supported investments and constructed an action plan for the developments that were successfully performed. This logic is still sustained and capitalist organization of the region passes through the submission of workers to the needs of regional and international bourgeoisie, so we present the Rural Villages as more recent example of these political games and economic ideology in the building of an ethical purchase.


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Author Biographies

Tulio Barbosa, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Professor Doutor do Instituto de Geografia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

José Roberto Nunes de Azevedo, UNESP

Doutorando em Geografia pelo PPG da FCT-UNESP. Bolsista FAPESP


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How to Cite

Barbosa, T., & Azevedo, J. R. N. de. (2013). THE NEW NORTH OF THE PARANA: THE SPATIAL TRANSFORMATIONS UNDER THE PROTECTION OF PURCHASING ETHICS. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 17(2), 26–38.



Produção do Espaço e Dinâmica Regional