About a disgusting family of tame goats and oxen devouring each other
Colonization, Subject annihilation, Imaginary, Auto dos danados, Lobo AntunesAbstract
The article focuses on the colonization process, triggered by Portugal, which installed, in autochthonous societies, via oppression and discursive practices, the imaginary of the annihilation of the Other. In the case of Portugal, the annulment of subjects led to the Salazar dictatorship, colonial wars and a sense of (dis)belonging and degeneration of the family and social structure. Based on this, the article analyzes the representation of the characters in Auto dos danados, by Lobo Antunes, which narrates the moral decomposition and economic decay of an Alentejo family, and concludes that this circumstance extends, as an allegory, to the portuguese land.
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