Root density of Megathyrsus maximus BRS Quênia and Urochloa brizantha BRS Piatã in silvipastorl systems




Livestock-forest integration, Root density, Fodder plant


The objective of this study is to determine the root density of Megathyrsus maximus and Urochloa brizantha forages at a depth of 20 cm alone, in relation to their distances from the tree component in two systems of livestock-forest integration with two entities. For this study, the following livestock-forest integration systems were carried out: a system with 3 years of composting by AEC-043 eucalypts clones spaced in strips of simple lines of 15x2 m and the forage component Megathyrsus maximus cv. Quenia; The other system requires 2 years of growth and AEC-2034 eucalyptus clones with the same forest root and forage component Urochloa brizantha BRS Piatã. Five transects were collected randomly in each of two livestock-forest integration systems and measured 5 distances from the tree component for root collection in the dry period. The roots are separated and dried only for density evaluation. In the area as a livestock-forest integration system with 2 years of life with eucalypts clones AEC-2043 and Urochloa brizantha forage, a higher average production of total density of roots at a distance of 5 meters from the tree component, with value of 11.75 g and less root density at zero distance with 8.63 g. In the 3-year livestock-forest integration system, with AEC-043 eucalyptus clones and Megathyrsus maximus forage component, the highest concentration of root density occurred at distance zero with 10.23 g and lowest root density at distance 5 m with 4.45 g. In both systems, eucalyptus influenced the root system of the forage grass.


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Author Biographies

Hérica André da Silva, Federal University of Goiás

Federal University of Goiás, Master in Agronomy

Amanda Prudente Velozo, Federal University of Goiás

Federal University of Goiás, Master in Agronomy, PhD student in Agronomy

Paulo Vitor Divino Xavier de Freitas, Federal University of Goiás

State University of Goiás, PhD in Zootechnics

Abílio Rodrigues Pacheco, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation

Embrapa Floresta, PhD in Agronomy

Francine Neves Calil, Federal University of Goiás

Federal University of Goiás, PhD in Forestry Sciences

Carlos de Melo e Silva-Neto, Instituto Federal de Goiás

Federal Institute of Goiás, Doctor in Agronomy


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How to Cite

Silva, H. A. da, Prudente Velozo, A., Xavier de Freitas, P. V. D. ., Pacheco, A. R. ., Neves Calil, F., & Silva-Neto, C. de M. e. (2024). Root density of Megathyrsus maximus BRS Quênia and Urochloa brizantha BRS Piatã in silvipastorl systems. Revista Ecologia E Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO, 12, e84367.




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