Revista Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO <p>The conception of the online scientific journal Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal/<em>Ecology and Forest Nutrition</em> started in the Laboratory of Forest Ecology of the Federal University of Santa Maria. It publishes scientific articles, systematic literature reviews and technical notes, in Portuguese, Engilsh and Spanish languages, an on ecology and forest nutrition, with emphasis on the studies of biomass inventories, forest species nutrition, nutrient and carbon cycling, ecology of natural and implanted ecosystems, among other topics.</p> <p><strong>eISSN 2316-980X | Qualis/CAPES (2017-2020) = B4</strong></p> Universidade Federal de Santa Maria en-US Revista Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO 2316-980X <p>The Copyright of the articles published in the journal Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal / <em>Ecology and Forest Nutrition</em> belong to their respective author (s), with the rights of first publication assigned to the Journal. Every time an article is quoted, replicated in institutional repositories and / or personal or professional pages, a link to the article is available on the Enflo website.</p><p> </p><p>Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal /<em>Ecology and Forest Nutrition</em> is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International</p> Aspects of soil fertility and nutrition of Pinus taeda L: A review <p>The cultivation of the genus <em>Pinus</em> spp. in Brazil occupies an area of 1.7 million hectares in 2020. <em>Pinus</em> is considered a socioeconomic component, which helps maintain the development of the southern region of the country and the national supply chain. However, the areas destined for pine cultivation usually have acidic soils and low natural fertility, which reduces the nutrients availability, negatively influencing the crop development. However, it is not known if Pinus responds positively to mineral fertilization, nor what is the nutrient of greatest demand regarding plantation development. Thus, the objective of this review is to explore which nutrients are of greatest nutrient need and therefore most responsive to pine growth and productivity. Thus, this review aims to establish a discussion on the importance and current plantation of <em>Pinus taeda</em>, along with answers on fertilization and nutrition of the crop, obtaining data from articles found in scientific databases of international literature, to better inform fertilization practices for this little studied crop. We have seen that mineral fertilization aims to optimize the pine growth, seeking to meet the physiological needs of the plants and thus achieve maximum crop productivity. However, the literature shows that many times the pine does not respond expressively in growth when subjected to mineral fertilization. Thus, studies that consider the effects of nutrient application to the pine crop, over time, are required to better conclude whether the pine crop responds to the nutrient supply.</p> Matheus Severo de Souza Kulmann Grasiele Dick Maristela Machado Araujo Gustavo Brunetto Mauro Valdir Schumacher Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 11 e02 e02 10.5902/2316980X71393 Evaluación del crecimiento de plántulas de Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. en diferentes sustratos <p>El género eucalipto se planta de forma diversificada en el mundo entero. La especie <em>E. tereticornis</em> tiene importancia económica en Uruguay. El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar en laboratorio el crecimiento de plántulas de semilla<em>, </em>en cuatro tratamientos de diferentes sustratos: arena, arena con fertilizante, sustrato comercial y sustrato comercial con fertilizante. Fueron analizadas las variables período de germinación, sobrevivencia, largo y diámetro del tallo y largo de las raíces. Los resultados fueron procesados por ANOVA y contrastes de medias. Se encontró que el substrato comercial fue el que proveyó el más rápido crecimiento.</p> Ignacio Pablo Traversa Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO 2023-03-23 2023-03-23 11 e01 e01 10.5902/2316980X72354 Analysis of fire risk and fire management in the Bilibiza Administrative Post, Mozambique <p>Forest fires contribute to forests degradation. For this reason, it is essential to know the factors that favour its occurrence and map susceptible areas to allow the development of specific programs for fire management. In this study, we used Geographic Information Systems to analyze the risk of fire occurrence in the Administrative Post of Bilibiza, in Cabo Delgado province, Mozambique, in order to allow its management. Risk maps were produced based on variables that affect fire occurrence and spread through the Hierarchical Analysis Process method. Eighty households from three localities were also surveyed. Most of the area (78%) has a moderate risk of fire, 13% has high risk and 9% has low risk. Practices that influence fire frequency are hunting (85%), agriculture 82% and charcoal production (47%). About 84% of the community has neither knowledge nor information about national law regarding fire management. Awareness campaigns should be promoted to reduce fire occurrences in the Administrative Post of Bilibiza.</p> Dalmildo Agostinho Máquina Ivan Abdul Daude Adérito da Silva Jeremias Caetano Serrote Adélio Zeca Mussalama Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO 2023-05-08 2023-05-08 11 e03 e03 10.5902/2316980X70760 Litterfall and litter decomposition in area under restoration in the Cerrado <p>The litterfall is a very important component within a forest ecosystem, as it is responsible for the cycling of nutrients, in addition to indicating the productive capacity of the forest. The amount of litterfall varies according to the community and its successional stage. The different litterfall fractions have different structure and chemical composition and, therefore, decompose at different speeds. In view of this, the present study aimed to evaluate the contribution and decomposition of litter in an area of secondary vegetation undergoing restoration. An input of 33,941 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> year<sup>-1</sup> was observed, with the leaves compartment corresponding to the largest portion (69.68%), followed by branches (20.09%) and miscellaneous (10.22%). As for litter decomposition, a value for the decomposition constant K of 0.004227 g g<sup>-1 </sup>day<sup>-1</sup> was found, and the half-life estimated at 164 days. The results found indicate a seasonal supply pattern, with peaks in the dry period, responding to the Cerrado's climatic seasonality and a rapid return of nutrients to the soil.</p> <p> </p> Caio Henrique Januário Calassa Jorge Luis Ferreira Márcio Junior Pereira Francine Neves Calil Carlos de Melo e Silva-Neto Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO 2023-09-18 2023-09-18 11 e04 e04 10.5902/2316980X84358