AlphaZero as a playtest tool
Software testing, Tabletop games, Machine learning, Neural networkAbstract
The tabletop gaming market has maintained rapid growth in recent
years, reaching tens of billions of dollars. Balancing these games is a market
demand and a challenging discipline that requires significant analytical skill
from the game designer. This skill is built through the conduct and observation of
hundreds of playtests in test groups, in a error-prone process, due to the difficulty
in finding individuals willing to play prototypes repeatedly, with only minor rule
iterations. Additionally, not every game designer keeps a complete record of the
tests and can handle the cause-and-effect relationships that small rule changes
have on the outcomes. This work investigates AlphaZero as a computational
intelligence technique to alleviate the demand for human players in the game
creation and testing process. While existing research in the field seeks a more
efficient agent, this study applies the algorithm to generate a dataset to help
the game designer identify points of imbalance and explore creativity. At the
current stage, a version of AlphaZero is implemented for self-training. Finally,
we discuss areas in which the method can assist the game design process using
the data generated by the algorithm during training.
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