Development of a Web System Using a Self-Managed Methodology




The adaptation of new members to PET groups presents challenges and difficulties in terms of understanding the structure of the Program. This work describes a web system developed by members of the PET-SI from [omitted] aimed at meeting the needs of the group. The system corresponds to one of the products generated in the Manage PET activity, which proposes the deve- lopment of software products under a self-managing organization methodology. In the self-managed methodology, the developers have autonomy regarding its execution, an experience that is not offered by any discipline of the Information Systems course. In this context, the developed web system assists in the process of setting up new members of the group, while enabling its developers to acquire experiences and new knowledge.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. de L. T., Palermo, F. M., Arantes, R., & Barcelos, P. P. de A. (2021). Development of a Web System Using a Self-Managed Methodology. Revista ComInG - Communications and Innovations Gazette, 5(2), 105–116.

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