The role of PET-CTI-UFABC on knowledge sharing: preparatory Composition and Mathematics classes for public school students on the ABC Region of São Paulo, Brazil




The National High School Exam - ENEM is the opportunity for many young people to enter higher education. For this reason, PET - Science, Technology and Information at UFABC developed a course that met this demand. The course received about 500 enrollments, with 90 students selected, in order of enrollment, which was carried out using a specific form on the page PET-CTI and consisted of three classes with two hours for each axis (Writing and Mathematics) offered on Saturdays, at the Santo André campus of the Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC, comprising theoretical classes and review exercises and simulation proposal at writing area.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Horacio de Jesus Soprijo, Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC

Graduando na Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC


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How to Cite

Soprijo, G. H. de J., Silva, J. V., dos Santos, B. D. S., Silva, M. F., Ventura, L. de O., Pereira, W. L., Schuindt, C. M., Lourenti, G. M. L., da Silva, G. B., Rodrigues, J. M., Uehara, L. S., Lima, M. L. G. de, Gasperin, N. F. S., Leite, C. M. F., Mattos, K. Z., Vieira, M. M., Fialho, F. V. C., Becker, F., Foratto, A. G., Kirihara, N. M. K., Ribeiro, V. C., & Teodorov, E. (2021). The role of PET-CTI-UFABC on knowledge sharing: preparatory Composition and Mathematics classes for public school students on the ABC Region of São Paulo, Brazil. Revista ComInG - Communications and Innovations Gazette, 5(2), 74–83.