Simulador computacional para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de estratégias de comportamento para futebol de robôs


  • Fabrício Julian Carini Montenegro Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Rodrigo da Silva Guerra Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Futebol de robôs, Simulação computacional, Robótica


The work here presented talks about the development of a computational simulator applied to robotics with focus on the development of high level behavior strategies for robot soccer. The development of behavior strategies for robot soccer can be greatly improved when developed and tested on a simulator. The available simulators, though, provide a low level of abstraction so they can maintain a hardware compatibility or a high level of abstraction that gives up on this compatibility. The simulator developed on this work provides a high level of abstraction without letting go of hardware compatibility. It allows the creation of behavior strategies that can communicate with the simulation as well as directly with a real robot. The simulator was developed and is utilized by a humanoid robot soccer team.


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How to Cite

Montenegro, F. J. C., & Guerra, R. da S. (2018). Simulador computacional para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de estratégias de comportamento para futebol de robôs. Revista ComInG - Communications and Innovations Gazette, 3(1), 50–60.



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