Soybean trend and yield variation in association with economic and social caracterization in Paraná state, southern Brazil




Paraná, Southern Brazil, Soybean, Spatial variation, Ibaiti, Ponta Grossa, Santo Inácio


The Paraná State in Southern Brazil is the second most soybean producer from Brazil; Paraná comes behind only the Mato Grosso state in Brazilian central area. This paper aims to analyze the soybean trend and spatial variation productivity data, as well as carry out a social and economic characterization of the municipalities producers and thus create regional indicators unfold different patterns of productivity of soybean in a representative region of Paraná in the years between 1999 to 2010. To finish this research was collected soybean data from 132 counties. These counties represent the southern slope of Paranapanema river basin. Was applied two statistic testes: Mann-Kendall and the Ward. The results were represented in cartographic system and boxplots graphics and they showed the visible soybean yield crop and spatial variation between all counties. The crop and spatial variation have relation with agriculture characteristics analyzed by IBGE data.


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Author Biography

Vinicius Carmello, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Presidente Prudente, SP

Bolsista de Doutorado da FAPESP (2014-2017)


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How to Cite

Carmello, V. (2018). Soybean trend and yield variation in association with economic and social caracterization in Paraná state, southern Brazil. Ciência E Natura, 40, e34.


