Increasing the knowledge on the distribution of Oldenlandia corymbosa L. (Spermacoceae-Rubiaceae), a new exotic species for the state of Rio Grande do Sul and the Pampa biome




Biogeography, new occurrence, Oldenlandia, Rubiaceae


During floristic surveys in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), populations of Oldenlandia corymbosa L. were found in the municipalities of Santa Maria and Bagé. This study reports the occurrence and naturalization of O. corymbosa in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and the Pampa biome, with a review of its occurrence in Brazilian territory and considerations on its habit and morphology. The collected material was analyzed, photographed, and deposited in the herbaria CNPO and SMDB, resulting in a location map, plates with in vivo photos, scientific illustrations, and an identification key for Oldenlandia in Rio Grande do Sul.


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Author Biographies

Dra., Brazilian Agricultural Research Company

Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1995/Jan 1996), scholarship holder for improvement in the Department of Genetics at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1996 to 1998), master's degree in Crop Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2000), and a Ph.D. in Sciences: Botany from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2005). Currently, she is a Researcher A at Embrapa Pecuária Sul - CPPSUL, working in the area of Genetic Resources and Improvement of Forage Plants. She is the curator of the CNPO Herbarium and the Active Germplasm Bank (BAG) of Forage Plants in Southern Brazil, both at Embrapa Pecuária Sul. She has experience in the field of Genetics, with emphasis on Plant Genetics and Improvement; and Plant Anatomy, focusing primarily on native forage plants, Paspalum, Bromus, exotic forages, white clover, Annoni grass, plant biomass, genetic resources, germplasm bank, on-farm conservation, barley, androgenesis, microspore and pollen grain embryogenesis, histology, maize, and aluminum.

Dra., Franciscan University

Bachelor's degrees in Biological Sciences and Pedagogy, master's and doctoral degrees in Sciences/Botany from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Experience in Plant Taxonomy, particularly in the following areas: Poaceae (Digitaria) and Angiosperm taxonomy. Retired professor at UFSM since 2013, currently working at the Franciscan University of Santa Maria as the coordinator of the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education (Academic), in the research lines of teacher training and teaching-learning, with an emphasis on biology education. Leader of the Research Group in Science and Mathematics Education - GPECIM (CNPq Research Groups Directory).


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How to Cite

da Cunha, L. G., Mazzocato, A. C., & Scotti do Canto-Dorow, T. (2024). Increasing the knowledge on the distribution of Oldenlandia corymbosa L. (Spermacoceae-Rubiaceae), a new exotic species for the state of Rio Grande do Sul and the Pampa biome. Balduinia, (73), 23–28.


