About the Journal

The journal Balduinia was conceived in 2004, initially as the "Bulletin" of the Department of Forestry Sciences Herbarium of the Federal University of Santa Maria, being first published in January 2005. From its third number onwards, given a demand for a ISSN registration, the periodical moved to the category of "journal".  


Current Issue

No. 74 (2025)
					View No. 74 (2025)

Com a publicação da edição número 74, iniciamos o vigésimo primeiro ano de publicação ininterrupta do periódico Balduinia tendo a convicta certeza que foi mantida a retidão no rumo originalmente proposto e cada vez mais, consagrado o firme compromisso manifesto no dístico de Balduinia.

Foto de capa: Misionella opalina (Ravenna) Deble, retratado por Fabiano da Silva Alves em São Borja, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

Published: 2025-01-22
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The journal's name pays homage to the gaucho priest Balduíno Rambo, one of the most important botanic and phytogeographist of Brazil in the 20th century. Since its conception, the objectives of Balduinia remain the same, expressed in the back cover of its first volume: "contribute to the knowledge of the south-brazilian flora with original publications in the areas of Vegetal Taxonomy, Floristics and Anatomy of Wood". 

In September 2012, the journal was relocatted on the structure of the Forestry Sciences Department of UFSM, movinjg from "Herbarium" to "Nucleous of Botanical Studies Balduíno Rambo", created by the Departmental Collegiate, on 13th of September of 2011 (record 04/11), as a "interinstitutional group of researchers that dedicate themselves to the study of south-brazilian flora, vegetation and phytogeography, specially the 'pampa' biome".