Digital technology, complex paradigm and (dis)information society




Disinformation, Complex Thinking, Extremism, Technology, Freedom


This article proposes to reflect on the role of technological mediations in the performance of extremisms that inhabit digital communication networks. Based on a bibliographical review and founded on Edgar Morin's paradigm of complicity, a hypothesis under discussion here considers that extremist movements and the phenomenon of disinformation do not result only from the abusive use of technology, which has mobilized regulatory meanings. It turns out that digital communication platforms structurally reproduce the conditions from which they were (and are) developed, conditions marked by values ​​that alienate knowledge, information and subjects, producing extremism and disinformation.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Knaesel Arrabal, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

PhD in Public Law from the Postgraduate Program in Law at the University of Vale dos Sinos – UNISINOS. Master in Legal Sciences from the University of Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI. Specialist in Administrative Law from the Regional University of Blumenau – FURB. Professor and researcher of the Master's Programs in Law (PPGD) and Administration (PPGAd) at FURB. Leader of the Law, Technology and Innovation research group – DTIn (CNPq-FURB). Deputy leader of the SINJUS Research Group - Society, Institutions and Justice (CNPq-FURB). Member of the research group Constitutionalism, Cooperation and Internationalization - CONSTINTER (CNPq-FURB). Member of AGIT - Technological Innovation Agency of the Regional University of Blumenau - FURB. Email:


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How to Cite

Arrabal, A. K. (2024). Digital technology, complex paradigm and (dis)information society. Revista Sociais E Humanas, 37, e84062.



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