Constituting a space of relationship between institutionalism and althusserian marxism
Institutional analysis, Analysis of implication, Ideological interpellationAbstract
Since the inception of the institutionalist movement in France during the 1960s, the field of institutional analysis has directed its focus towards processes of self-analysis within communities. However, to conduct an analysis of the institution, it has been deemed essential to perform an analysis of implication, which involves examining the relationship between the individual and the institution. To further explore this connection through which the individual, unknowingly, allows themselves to be ‘captured’ by the institution, we have invoked the process of ideological interpellation introduced by Althusser. In this, the author articulates the notions of unconsciousness and ideology. To dissect its stages, we have also turned to the distinction made by Mara Glozman between two discursive zones designated as instances of formation and formulation. The interval that separates them seems to present itself as a strategic dimension for reflecting on the implicational relationship. From there, we suggest that the analysis of implication can unfold in two moments: (i) a historical analysis of the discourse that investigates the formation of the institutional complex, and (ii) an examination of the unconscious mechanisms through which the institutional function that the individual complies with unknowingly remains unknown to them.
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