On the other side of the inverted world: the media convergence in the disclosure of Stranger Things in social media





Media, Affective economics, Participatory culture, Crossmedia, Transmedia


The aim of this article is to study the media convergence in the launch actions of the series Stranger Things in Brazil, in the social media Twitter and Facebook. For that, the contents published on Facebook of Stranger Things Brazil and on Twitter of Netflix will be described in the occasion of the launching of the series in Brazil; will be identified in what form the media convergence happens through the contents; and it will be understood how the culture of convergence has its effects on the production of contents for the divulgation of the series in digital social media. The methodology of this research is qualitative, with content analysis and descriptive analysis of the posts collected on Facebook and Twitter about Stranger Things. As results, there was a direct dialogue between the content of social media and plot and characters, there are more cases of cross media than of transmedia and the affective relationship of the followers with the content of the series is used.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Bevilacqua Ferreira Fonseca, Franciscan University

Bacharel em Publicidade e Propaganda pela Universidade Franciscana; acadêmica do curso de Psicologia (UFN).

Graziela Frainer Knoll, Franciscan University

Professora Adjunto na Universidade Franciscana, no curso de Publicidade e Propaganda, no Mestrado em Ensino de Humanidades e Linguagens e no curso de Jogos Digitais; Doutora em Letras - Estudos Linguísticos (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria); Mestre em Letras - Estudos Linguísticos (UFSM); Especialista em Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação Aplicadas à Educação (UFSM); Bacharel em Comunicação Social, Publicidade e Propaganda (UFSM); Licenciada em Letras, Língua Portuguesa (UFSM).


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How to Cite

Fonseca, M. B. F., & Knoll, G. F. (2023). On the other side of the inverted world: the media convergence in the disclosure of Stranger Things in social media. Revista Sociais E Humanas, 36, e47893. https://doi.org/10.5902/2317175847893



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