The fishing of shrimp as an educative practice in the agro-extrative settlement project Our Lady of Deliverance Tabatinga Island – Abaetetuba/Pará


  • Elza Maria Ferreira Baia Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA



Educational practice, Fishing, Production, Riverside, To know


The article brings as a discussion the Craft production shrimp fishery practiced by riverside in the Agroextrativist Settlement Project Our lady of Deliverance - Tabatinga Island, Abaetetuba-PA, whose action provokes cultural and learning processes among the subjects, highlighting the passage of knowledge between the generations. It was sought to understand how the process of reproduction of knowledge occurs as an educational practice practiced by local residents, demanding to enter into the productive and subsistence reality of the local community and, with the study, dare to indicate reflective possibilities about the relations between family production and the educational process that takes place in the field schools. The study was guided by qualitative research, whose scientifically based assumptions are anchored in the social sciences, including in the methodological path the fieldwork, using interviews and other forms of data collection. From the analysis of the results obtained, it was possible to identify that the practice of artisanal fishing presents a diversity of knowledge and is mediated by the use of natural resources that sustain life, guaranteeing a form of environmental and family sustainability. Not to mention that this know-how makes it possible to think in other ways for the construction of an education carried out in reality and by the subjects.


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Author Biography

Elza Maria Ferreira Baia, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA

Estudante curso de Especialização Lato Sensu em Educação do Campo e Extensão Rural pela Universidade Federal do Pará/Campus de Abaetetuba.


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How to Cite

Baia, E. M. F. (2020). The fishing of shrimp as an educative practice in the agro-extrative settlement project Our Lady of Deliverance Tabatinga Island – Abaetetuba/Pará. Revista Sociais E Humanas, 32(3).