Self-care of teenagers with type 1 diabetes mellitus from primary health care
Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1, Adolescente, Atenção Primária à Saúde, type 1, Primary Health Care.Abstract
Introduction: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is commonly diagnosed in children and adolescents and may present complications due to the daily difficulty of performing self-care practices. Objective: to know the adherence to self-care practices performed by adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Health Care in a municipality in Minas Gerais. Objective: to know the adherence to self-care practices performed by adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Health Care in a municipality in Minas Gerais. Materials and Method: descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional study carried out with 26 adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus in exclusive follow-up in Primary Health Care. Sociodemographic variables, time since diagnosis of diabetes, frequency of insulin therapy, application difficulties, person responsible for administering insulin and self-care were evaluated. Results: among the participants, 12 (46.15%) had been living with the disease for more than five years, the frequency of insulin application was greater than three times a day in 11 (42.31%) and 22 (84.62%) %) claimed to be responsible for the application, 24 (92.31%) denied difficulties with the administration technique and 16 (61.54%) stated forgetting with the application. Regarding self-care, 15 (57.70%) adolescents obtained a score lower than five points, indicating low adherence to self-care practices. When associating this variable with the time since diagnosis, it was found that adolescents with diabetes for more than five years have good adherence (p=0.154). Conclusions: adolescents have low adherence to self-care practices, but as the diagnosis time increases, this situation reverses, improving adherence.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Evelin Reis Macedo, Nádia Cristina Rodrigues da Silva, Karen dos Santos Lago, Flávia Gonçalves Isabel Barbone, Samyra Giarola Cecílio, Andreza de Oliveira Henrique Cortez, Débora Aparecida Silva Souza
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