Sexualidade, Autoimagem, Saúde sexual, Mulheres, EnvelhecimentoAbstract
Objective: to compare sexual function and body self-image of adult women of reproductive age with elderly women, living in a city of Rio Grande do Sul. Methods: this is an observational research, with a quantitative approach and cross-sectional character, with women aged between 18 and 44 years and elderly women aged at least 60 years, residing in the city of Santa Maria/RS. The data collection was carried out through a virtual interview and the compared data were extracted from the database of the research “Factors that interfere with the genital self-image of elderly women”. The data collection instruments were used: sociodemographic form, FFSI and BAS, in both studies. Results: elderly women showed poor sexual function (22,4) compared to women of reproductive age (30,2). Regarding to body self-image, the rates of elderly women were higher (5) than the adults (4,1). Closing remarks: It was found that it is possible to observe significant changes when comparing different generations of women in terms of sexuality and body self-image, thus evidencing possible advances in terms of freedoms and empowerments, as well as some influences still socially determined.
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