Physical activity practice among older adults by home-based telehealth during a period of social distancing due to COVID-19: a case report


  • Leticia Moreno UNIMEP
  • Thais Peres Alves Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba -UNIMEP
  • Raphaela Espanha Corrêa Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp
  • Rute Estanislava Tolocka Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba -UNIMEP



Physical activity, Elderly, COVID-19


Objective: to implement a Physical Activity (PA) program in the teleservice format, during the COVID-19 pandemic, to verify the flexibility and Body Mass Index (BMI) of the elderly and to analyze the viability of this program. Methods: five case studies (C1 to C5) were conducted, with volunteers reached through social networks of the researchers involved (WhatsApp). Flexibility was check through the Wells test, adapted without bench, and the measurement of body mass and height was reported. Feasibility of the program was verified through a questionnaire.  Results: all cases were female and had chronic diseases. The evaluation of initial and final flexibility in each case showed respectively C1= 36-40 cm, C2= 38-40 cm, C3= 31-39 cm, C4= 31-40 cm and C5= 36-36 cm. The initial and final BMI assessment in each case indicated respectively C1= 27.55 kg/m²-27.55 kg/m², C2= 31.60 kg/m²-31.60 kg/m², C3: 24.97 kg/m²-26.22 kg/m², C4: 27.34 kg/m²-27.34 kg/m², C5: 26.95 kg/m²-26.95 kg/m². The program reached minimum 70% of the total score in each variable (safety, effectiveness, satisfaction and remote monitoring) from all cases. Final Considerations:  the program was feasible and improves flexibility, but there was no improvement in the BMI. Further studies are needed to stimulate debates about the PA program for the elderly in the teleservice modality.


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How to Cite

Moreno, L., Peres Alves , T. ., Espanha Corrêa, R. ., & Estanislava Tolocka, R. (2023). Physical activity practice among older adults by home-based telehealth during a period of social distancing due to COVID-19: a case report. Saúde (Santa Maria), 48(1).