Clinical-epidemiological profile of cancer patients in the Bolsão Sul-Matogrossense Region
Epidemiology, Neoplasms, Like lihood functions, Health profile.Abstract
Objective: To determine if the region served by the Unit of High Complexity Assistance in Oncology of Três Lagoas (HCAO - TL), an oncological reference in the Bolsão Sul-Matogrossense region, has similarity with the general average of cases of solid neoplasms in Brazil and the State, in addition to showing, through associations between the collected variables, possible factors that influence death in the region. Methods: Epidemiological cross-sectional study, based on medical records, including patients diagnosed with solid neoplasms, between January 2008 and December 2017. The epidemiological profile was assessed using the variables: sex, residence, age, race, ICD-10, year of diagnosis, stage, diagnosis, treatment and evolution, using the Quasi-Likelihood method. Results: Were identified, in this period,1,760 cases, showing that the region is similar to the national and state general average. With the associations, it has been demonstrated that proximity and access to specialized services reduces mortality. In addition, attention was drawn to the finding that younger individuals had more unfavorable outcomes, in addition to significant mortality in the white race. In addition, it was found that the survival rate is higher the lower the staging in the region. Final Considerations: The research, despite confirming the similarity with the general Brazilian and state average, can establish important correlations between the variables and the death outcome, drawing attention to the heterogeneous aspect of the studied region, bringing implications for management and care practice that it is necessary to seek the qualification and sustainability of cancer information systems, so that the results obtained create the appropriate means to face the challenges and support the development of effective actions for public health in Brazil.Downloads
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