Home birth planned meaning by women: contributions to the humanization of obstric care
Obstetric Nursing, Home Childbirth, Humanization of Assistance, Humanizing Delivery, Women’s Health, Nursing Philosophy.Abstract
Objective: understand the meanings of women in the experience of planned home birth. Method: qualitative research in the phenomenological approach with the methodological / philosophical support of Martin Heidegger. Nine women who experienced the planned snowball participation at phenomenological meetings took place from September 2016 to March 2017. The project was carried out by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Juiz de Outside under Opinion No. 1.701.030. Results: the meanings were analyzed from the Heideggerian theoretical-methodological perspective. From the testimonies, two meaning units were identified. They meant being wonderful, transformative and one of the greatest experiences of their lives; and have felt safe, welcoming and respected during home birth. It was evident that the assistance provided in the parturition process transcended the technical dimension by valuing and respecting the subjectivity of women, contributing to the good outcome of childbirth. Conclusion: the choice for home birth is related to the humanization and de-medicalization of care. The results point to the need for ontological consideration of women so that childbirth is a positive and human experienceDownloads
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