The knowledge of kindergarten teachers about the role of the speech therapists in the school
Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Child Rearing, Teacher TrainingAbstract
Objective: To understand how knowledgeable a group of kindergarten teachers are about the speech therapist role in the school setting. Methodology: based on a predefined interview containing three open-ended questions aimed to understand their vision regarding the speech therapy practice in school. Seven kindergarten teachers answered the interviews. The study was conducted in a kindergarten school in a city of São Paulo state. All interviews were recorded in audio, fully transcribed, and the data were analyzed by Analysis of Content. Results: The obtained results suggest that, according to the analyzed group of kindergarten teachers, the speech therapy role in the school environment are restricted only to vocal care of professors and to speech correction with students in the classroom. Conclusion: The interviewed group of teachers sees the speech therapist as a professional exclusively dedicated to healthcare that, when working in the school, will primarily treat vocal issues of professors and will conduct isolated actions with students. Therefore, it indicates a restricted understanding of all work possibilities of speech therapists in the school setting.Downloads
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