Educational incubator: adding technologies to the practice of care in the hospital work environment
Nursing, Learning, Technological DevelopmentAbstract
Aimed to know the contributions of the Educational Incubator from the perspective of new nursing collaborators who participated in the training process in the hospital work environment. Methods: qualitative research, with 35 new collaborators being nursing technicians and nurses, from July 2015 to July 2016, in a teaching hospital in the southern region of Brazil. The data were read from Bardin’s perspective. Results: The collaborators considered the educational incubator as adequate regarding duration, content and method of teaching. Thematic nuclei were highlighted: “The educational incubator as a recycling process” and “The integration between theory and practice in the learning process”. Conclusion: The Educational Incubator contributed positively to the training process of the new collaborators. It provided a space for arguments and reflections on the daily practices of the institution involved and the active participation of professionals in the search for positive changes in care.Downloads
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