Operação Rondon Paraná 2023: nursing students’ experience report





Patient Care Team, Universities, Interprofessional Education, Population Education, Nursing, Students


Objective: to report the experience of the participation of nursing students from a Public Higher Education Institution in northwestern Paraná in Operação Rondon Paraná 2023. Method: an experience report of two undergraduate students and one graduate nursing student, who developed actions in Pontal do Paraná, in October 2023. Results: the students developed 22 actions during 12 days of Operação Rondon, using multiple methodologies and encompassing teamwork and interprofessional work, bringing them closer to different social and cultural spheres. Conclusion: the operation enabled the technical, personal and professional development of university students, in addition to fulfilling the objectives, which were based on promoting university extension actions in different realities from those in which the university is inserted. Furthermore, it is understood that there is a need for work such as that developed in such an operation so that other university students and communities can benefit from the benefits it promotes.


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Author Biographies

Heitor Hortensi Sesnik, State University of Maringá

Graduating in Nursing at the State University of Maringá.

Gabriel Zanin Sanguino, State University of Maringá

Graduated in Nursing from the State University of Maringá (UEM), Paraná, in 2016. Specialist in Education and Technologies - Production and Use of Technologies for Education from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR), in 2021. Master's and PhD in Sciences from the Postgraduate Program in Public Health Nursing at the Department of Maternal and Child Nursing and Public Health of the Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing (EERP) at the University of São Paulo (USP). Member of the Nursing Research Group in Child and Adolescent Care (GPECCA) at EERP-USP and of the Child, Adolescent and Family Health Study Group (GESCAF) at UEM and of the Teaching, Research and Extension Center in Health, Families and Migrations (NEPESFAM) at UEM. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Nursing Department at UEM. He has experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on the following subjects: Pediatric Urgency and Emergency, Pediatrics, Nursing Care, Child Health, Educational Methodologies and Technologies and Digital Information and Communication Technologies for Nursing Education.

Larissa Carolina Segantini Felipin, State University of Maringá

Nurse graduated from the State University of Maringá - UEM (2007-2010). Specialist in Neonatal Nursing from the State University of Londrina-UEL (residency 2015). Master's in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program at the State University of Maringá (PSE- UEM - 2015/2017). She holds a PhD in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the State University of Maringá (2017-2021), and was awarded a scholarship for the PhD Sandwich Program Abroad (PDSE) at the School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia - UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada, for a period of 6 months (December 2018 to May 2019). She was coordinator of the undergraduate nursing course at Uningá in 2022. She is currently a collaborating lecturer on the undergraduate nursing course at the State University of Maringá UEM. Coordinator of the Obstetric Nursing Specialization course, Maringá 2024-2025 class - SESA/ESPP.

Jhennifer Galassi Bortoloci, State University of Maringá

She has a degree in aesthetics and cosmetics technology from the University Center of Maringá (2016). Graduated in Nursing from the State University of Maringá. Participant in the extension project Acting as a nursing student in the human milk bank at the regional university hospital in Maringá, Member of the Maternal and Child Nursing Studies Group (GEDEMI) at UEM. Master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the State University of Maringá. PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the State University of Maringá. She works in the following areas: Maternal and Child Health; Human Milk Bank.

Esdra Cristina Pereira Goldoni, State University of Maringá

She works mainly on the following subjects: home visits, nursing and nursing care. - Clinical Management of Lactation Course: theoretical and practical aspects developed by the Regional University Hospital of Maringá, where I was able to become trained in breastfeeding care, both in a clinical environment and at home, delving into breastfeeding in terms of mother and newborn. - Member of the Kangaroo Mother Project: a program to humanize multiprofessional care for premature and/or low-birth-weight newborns, dealing with hospitalized NBs and guiding mothers and family members in post-hospital care - Course DESMISTIFYING NORMAL BIRTH: IN DEFENCE OF HEALTHY BIRTH, promoted by the Maringá Municipal Health Department and the Maringá Committee to Encourage Normal Birth, where we explored the benefits and guidance to be given in the birth plan or in pre-birth about humanized birth.

Sueli Mutsumi Tsukuda Ichisato, State University of Maringá

She holds a bachelor's degree in Nursing from the State University of Londrina (1981), a master's degree in Public Health Nursing from the University of São Paulo (1999) and a doctorate in Public Health Nursing from the University of São Paulo (2004). She is currently an associate professor on the Nursing course at the State University of Maringá. She is a permanent lecturer in the postgraduate program in nursing at the Nursing Department of the State University of Maringá. She has experience in Nursing, with an emphasis on Pediatrics and Neonatology, working mainly on the following subjects: breastfeeding, breastfeeding, milk bank, nursing care in pediatrics, developmental care, nursing care in neonatology and noise in the Neonatal ICU. Leader of the Maternal and Child Nursing Study Group (GEDEMI).


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How to Cite

Sesnik, H. H., Sanguino, G. Z., Felipin, L. C. S., Bortoloci, J. G., Goldoni, E. C. P., & Ichisato, S. M. T. (2024). Operação Rondon Paraná 2023: nursing students’ experience report. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 14, e37. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179769288491



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