Construction and analysis of content validity of a checklist for safe transport of critically patients
Transportation of Patients, Checklist, Emergency Service, Hospital, Critical Care, NursingAbstract
Objective: To develop and analyze the content validity of a checklist for the safe transport of critically ill patients in the emergency services. Method: This study was conducted in two stages from July to October 2022. The first stage involved a methodological study to develop the checklist and evaluate it using the Delphi technique with 34 experienced professionals. The checklist was approved with a content validity index (CVI) ≥ 80%. The second stage comprised a cross-sectional study based on data collected from a pilot test in the emergency service. Results: The checklist has 6 categories and 58 items. Nine items did not reach the required CVI and were revised, adapted, or excluded. Thirty-four intra-hospital transports were analyzed, and two of them had incidents. Conclusion: The checklist for the safe transport of critically ill patients in the emergency services was developed and analyzed by experienced professionals. It addresses essential aspects to be performed before patient transport
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