Climate change and the society’s participation: contributions from Nursing




Climate Change, Nursing, Social Participation, Health Services, Intersectoral Collaboration


Objective: to reflect on the contributions of Nursing in mediating society's participation in mitigating the climate change impacts. Method: theoretical and reflective study, based on contemporary literature and international reports, carried out between August and November 2023. Results: to implement, articulate and promote actions that foster connections between Nursing and society, the study identified perceptions of social vulnerability and intersectionality as central elements that determine action, presented by three thematic axes: starting point; strategy; and processes, which respectively represent coping scenarios; governance and Nursing; and collaboration and social participation. Conclusion: it is necessary to review concepts of environmental and societal relations in training and discussion on the subject, in order to help raise awareness among nursing staff.


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Author Biographies

Letícia Barbosa de Sousa, Federal University of Para

Undergraduate student of the 8th semester of Nursing at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Member of the Extension Project "Amazônidas: Pluralities in training and performance in health" and scholarship holder of the Extension Program "Pequenos Amazônidas", both coordinated by professor Dr. Nádile Juliane Costa de Castro. Member of the monitoring team of the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEn) Pará Section.

Adaide de Sousa Gomes, Federal University of Para

Quilombola. Scientific initiation student and extension volunteer.

Thamyles da Silva Dias, Federal University of Para

Bachelor's degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Pará. Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Nursing (PPGENF-UFPA / 2023). Member of the Study and Research Group on Women's, Children's and Adolescents' Health - FAENF / UFPA. Previously, scholarship holder of the extension project, from June 2020 to February 2023, "The use of therapeutic toys as an instrument in pediatric care" (PROEX - UFPA). Volunteer monitor in the project "Teaching and Learning of Pediatric Nursing from the Perspective of Comprehensive Care" (PROEG - UFPA). Volunteer in the extension project "Actions to promote health, psychosocial and educational care, as a practice of university integration" (NAVEGA SABERES / 2020 - 2022 / PROEX - UFPA; Scholarship holder of the Institutional Volunteer Program for Scientific Initiation - PIVIC (2019-2020) with the project "Social representation of the family caregiver on the communication used with the terminal oncology patient". Volunteer monitor in the project "Teaching and Learning of Pediatric Nursing from the Perspective of Comprehensive Care" (PROEG - UFPA). Scholarship holder in the "Multicampi Health Project: Attention to Child Health" (PROEX - UFPA - MS); She was a research member in the project "COVID-19 in the parturient/newborn binomial in a reference maternity hospital: case and control study" under the guidance of Dr. Andressa Parente.

Deisiane da Silva Mesquita, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

Nurse and administrator. PhD student in the Public Health and Environment Program (PPGSMA/FIOCRUZ). Master in Epidemiology and Health Surveillance from the Evandro Chagas Institute (IEC/SVS/MS). Specialist in Micropolitics of Management and Work in Health (UFF/RJ). Specialist in Public Health (UEPA). Specialist in Adult Intensive Care Nursing (ESAMAZ). Specialist in Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (FCC). Graduated in Nursing from the Integrated College of Castanhal (FCAT). Graduated in Administration from the University of Northern Paraná (UNOPAR). It is worth mentioning that during her undergraduate studies, she was a member of the Nursing Work and Research Group (GTPE) at FCAT (2013-2015). She carried out scholarship activities as a monitor, dedicating herself to the preparation and teaching of theoretical and practical classes. And, she worked as an Extension Scholarship Student in the Mais Saúde Entre Idosos Project. Throughout her professional career, she has demonstrated her skills and competencies in the area of ​​management and organization, participating in projects and programs of the Ministry of Health. She has gained experience in the following areas: Nursing, with an emphasis on Public Health, Nursing processes, Chronic Diseases and Health Education, focusing mainly on Nursing care. She is currently an epidemiologist nurse in the Epidemiology and Health Surveillance sector of the Pará State Department of Public Health (SESPA), specifically in the Strategic Information Center (CIEVS); and also works as a technical nurse auditor in the Internal Audit Center of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia Foundation of the State of Pará (NAIN/FSCMP).

Dayanne de Nazaré dos Santos, Faculdade Estácio Ananindeua

Nurse with a postgraduate degree in Primary Care with an emphasis on the Family Health Strategy, carrying out lines of research and studies with and for traditional populations, and their interface with the environment, as well as actions focused on Public Health. Member of the Study and Research Group on Diversity, Health and Environment with and for indigenous peoples and traditional communities of the Amazon (GEDIVERSA). Assists in the coordination of extension projects and programs aiming at the implementation of training for the care of indigenous peoples and traditional communities in the Amazon territory. Master in Nursing in Public Health and Epidemiology of Diseases in the Amazon from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing (PPGENF-UEPA/UFAM), class 01/2021. She worked as a nurse in the Family Health Strategy CDP, and at the Sacramenta/Mucajá Family Health Unit, in the city of Belém. She was a preceptor of the Multiprofessional Health Residency Program (PRMS) at Cesupa, in the area of ​​Primary Care/Family Health. She was a preceptor of the Medicine course at the Metropolitan University Center of the Amazon (UNIFAMAZ). She worked as a preceptor of the Education through Work for Health Program PET-SAÚDE Interprofessionality in partnership with the Municipal Health Department (SESMA-BELÉM). She worked as an internship preceptor of the Nursing Course at Faculdade Cosmopolita. She worked as an Internship Preceptor of the Nursing course at Faculdade Integrada Brasil Amazônia-FIBRA. She developed activities as a supervisor of mandatory internships linked to the health area at Faculdade UNINASSAU - Grupo Ser Educacional. Nurse and Manager of the Boa Vista Family Health Strategy (municipality of Acará), from February to December 2016, working in health care for riverside and quilombola communities in the municipality. Graduated in Nursing from the University of the Amazon, class (2011).

Nádile Juliane Costa Castro, Federal University of Para

Born in Oriximiná, lower Amazon region of Pará, State of Pará, Amazon, Brazil. PhD in Socio-Environmental Sciences (NAEA/UFPA). Master in Tropical Diseases (NMT/UFPA). Graduated in Nursing (Magalhães Barata School of Nursing/UEPA). Postgraduate in Public Health and Methodology of Art Education. Professor at the Federal University of Pará, in the School of Nursing and in the Postgraduate Program in Nursing (PPGENF-UFPA). Conducts and is interested in studies on socio-environmental impacts, decolonial education and inclusive training, diversity in health, innovative technologies and communication with and for indigenous peoples and traditional communities. Leader of the Study and Research Group on Diversity, Health and Environment with and for indigenous peoples and traditional communities of the Amazon (GEDIVERSA). She coordinates projects and extension programs for the purpose of implementing training for the care of indigenous peoples and traditional communities in the Amazon. She is a founding member of the International Network of Nursing of Indigenous Peoples (REDESPO), an associate member of the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEn), the Brazilian Association of Public Health (ABRASCO), and an Associate Research Member of the Latin American Center for Studies in Culture (CLAEC). She has experience in providing care to indigenous health, STI/AIDS, and in professional and higher education in health. She was a CNPQ and CAPES scholarship holder through scientific initiation, master's and doctorate degrees. She was the Coordinator of DEAB ABEn Pará between 2018 and 2019. Since 2020, she has been the coordinator of the Social Communication and Publications Directorate of ABEn Pará section. She has interdisciplinary experience applied in the construction of pedagogical and instructional material for the SUS. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Sousa, L. B. de, Gomes, A. de S., Dias, T. da S., Mesquita, D. da S., Santos, D. de N. dos, & Castro, N. J. C. (2024). Climate change and the society’s participation: contributions from Nursing. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 14, e28.



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