Construction and validation of a form for the transition of care for premature newborns
Patient Discharge, Continuity of Patient Care, Neonatal Nursing, Infant, Premature, Biomedical TechnologyAbstract
Objective: to build and validate a form for the transition of information on care for premature newborns. Method: methodological study carried out in three stages: survey of the theoretical-methodological framework, semantic and content validation, based on the Instrument Construction Model and using the Delphi method for content validation, being considered valid when the validation index of content was greater than 80%. Results: The form composed of six domains was approved after three rounds of validation, comprising 64 items and reaching an average approval rate of 89%. Conclusion: The care transition form was validated in terms of face and content, providing a new technology to be used for the transition of information in a standardized and safe way.
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