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Adolescent health promotion: Nola Pender’s model through participatory virtual workshops




Adolescent Health, Nursing Theory, Models, Nursing, School Nursing, Health Promotion


Objective: to discuss the care-educational dialogical course of Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model through participatory virtual workshops with adolescents. Method: participatory research, with an action research approach, carried out in a unit of the Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education in the Midwest region. Seven workshops were held with 15 adolescents and with interpretative analysis. Results: the theme of the workshops addressed the components of the Health Promotion Model: Characteristics and individual experiences; Behavior-specific cognitions and affect; and Behavior outcome. The content produced was elaborated in the diagram of the Model itself. Conclusion: the dialogical character of participatory research validated the workshops as care-educational technologies, which supported the practice of nurses in awareness and empowerment to meet the specificities of this population and provided reflections, changes in health behaviors and autonomy of adolescents.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Bulcão Santi, Instituto Federal Catarinense

Enfermeira, Doutora em Enfermagem, Instituto Federal Catarinense/Técnico-Administrativo em Educação, Blumenau, SC, Brasil.

Vanessa Denardi Antoniassi Baldissera, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Enfermeira, Doutora em Ciências, Universidade Estadual de Maringá/Professora adjunta, Maringá, PR, Brasil.


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2023-11-06 — Updated on 2023-11-06


How to Cite

Santi, D. B., & Baldissera, V. D. A. (2023). Adolescent health promotion: Nola Pender’s model through participatory virtual workshops. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 13, e40.



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