Flip chart for nurses about the prevention of central venous catheter infections in children
Educational Technology, Central Venous Catheters, Evidence-Based Nursing, Catheter-Related Infections, Pediatric NursingAbstract
Objective: To build a flip chart for nurses about the prevention of subcutaneous port central venous catheter (SP-CVC) infections in children with blood cancer. Method: Methodological study carried out in two stages: integrative literature review and production of the flip chart. Results: The flip chart includes forms, scripts, and figures that aim to be an easily accessible tool to guide health workers in regard to providing SP-CVC related care to children with blood cancers, presenting a total of 6 images, including its cover. Conclusion: We believe that the product at hand is an important tool for the education of nurses, thus contributing to the quality of care.
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- 2023-12-01 (3)
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- 2023-09-05 (1)
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