Diabetes mellitus and the dissemination of information on the Internet: integrative review
Diabetes mellitus, Internet, Mídias sociais, Autocuidado, Apoio socialAbstract
Objective: to analyze studies that address the contributions of the Internet in the dissemination of information on diabetes mellitus. Method: integrative review, in MEDLINE/Pubmed®, Web of Science, Scopus and LILACS databases. The sample consisted of 16 studies, without restriction of time or language, with analysis and synthesis of the results descriptively. Results: observational studies with evidence level VI and published between 2009 and 2021 prevailed. Social networks and media represented the main virtual environments used by patients and health professionals to disseminate information and experiences about the clinical condition, promote self-care, maintain treatment and strengthen support networks and social support. Conclusion: despite the limited participation of health professionals in virtual communities, the possibilities of cyberspace were evidenced as a scenario of health promotion and interaction with patients, recognizing its potentialities as an interface for health care.
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- 2022-06-14 (2)
- 2022-05-26 (1)
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