Understanding of nursing about skin-to-skin contact between mother/baby in the delivery room
Equipe de enfermagem, Recém-nascido, Assistência perinatal, Relações mãe-filhoAbstract
Objective: to describe the understanding of the nursing team in the delivery room about skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby in the first hour of life. Method: descriptive, qualitative study with nursing professionals in the delivery room. Data were collected from August to November 2018, through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by the thematic content analysis method. Results: three thematic categories were extracted: Knowledge of the nursing team about skin-to-skin contact in the first hour of life; Benefits and importance of skin-to-skin contact in the immediate postpartum period in the professionals’ view; Practices performed in the immediate postpartum in the delivery room. Conclusion: nursing professionals have knowledge about skin-to-skin contact, even if some weaknesses, and see the importance of this knowledge for this stimulus to be widely actualized in the care of the mother and newborn.Downloads
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