Performance Evaluation: perception of health professionals in a public hospital institution
Avaliação de desempenho profissional, Gestão em saúde, Administração hospitalar, Pesquisa em administração de enfermagem, Pesquisa qualitativaAbstract
Aim: to comprehend the perception of health professionals about the process of performance evaluation. Method: qualitative exploratory-descriptive research developed in a Brazilian public hospital with 65 professionals that are member of a health multiprofessional team of the institution. Data were collected through semi-structured questionaire and submitted to thematic content analysis. Interpretation was based on the Freirean theroretical framework and on another related research. Results: we highlighted confidentiality, privacy, the instrument used and periodicity of the evaluation. Still, participants listed the need to prepare for the interview and the enphasys on the potentialities of workers. Concluding the evaluation, issues referred to the motivation of the professionals and feelings they experienced throughout the evaluation. Final considerations: results reinforce the comprehension of complexity inherent to the act of evaluate and the need of continuous exercise, amplifying evaluators and those evaluated, in order to evoke a participative and critically reflexive process.Downloads
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