Fatigue pictogram during the use of chemotherapeutic drugs intended to breast cancer treatment
Fadiga, Neoplasia de mama, Quimioterapia.Abstract
Objective: To identify the most critical period of fatigue during doxorubicin + cyclophosphamide protocol followed by docetaxel in women with breast cancer using the fatigue pictogram. Method: descriptive, prospective study with quantitative approach. For better monitoring, patients were evaluated on the day of chemotherapy infusion and the next two weeks by telephone contact. Results: In the first stage of treatment, fatigue was less severe and had little interference with women's daily activities. During docetaxel infusion, fatigue was more pronounced and recurrent, presenting lower recovery rates and having a strong impact on the performance of usual activities. Conclusion: The fatigue pictogram proved to be an easy to understand and quick application instrument, and can contribute to nursing care as it is an important monitoring tool.Downloads
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