Urban climate of Cuiabá, MT, Brazil: Soil occupancy and its influences


  • Flávia Maria de Moura Santos Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT




Occupation soil, Vegetation, Microclimate


The large clusters of urban areas end up creating a new urban climate generated by the interference of factors that occur on the urban boundary layer and act altering the climate on a local scale. The urban characteristics associated with the types and degrees of density and use that cover the ground have the ability to change the climate elements that make up the local atmosphere. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the influence of land use on the microclimate in Cuiaba-MT-Brazil through differences in temperature and humidity intraurbana the municipality. For this, we used the methodology of mobile nocturnal transects in four seasons, using a digital hygrometer, protected shelter, attached to the side of a vehicle that left the rural periphery, and the center has reached the opposite end of town , in the east / west and then north / south. Records were set to 20h, for analysis thermo-hygrometric and detection of climate anomalies such as heat island, showing the influence of anthropogenic changes in the urban environment. The urban density and vegetation removal are determining factors in behavior modification thermo-hygrometric, being evident the influence of the flow of vehicles in the heat gain in the middle, while areas under the influence of large masses of vegetation, showed characteristics with microclimates different from other areas of the city, since there is a contribution to the energy loss in the middle and fall in temperature and increase in relative humidity. Therefore, this study contributes to diagnose any changes in climate due to urban growth process of Cuiabá, which need to be considered by planners and managers to be taken to help with the improvement of environmental quality and life of the population.


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Author Biography

Flávia Maria de Moura Santos, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT

Docente do Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da UFMT


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How to Cite

Santos, F. M. de M. (2013). Urban climate of Cuiabá, MT, Brazil: Soil occupancy and its influences. Monografias Ambientais, 12(12), 2749–2763. https://doi.org/10.5902/223613089160

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